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Santa Fe's Premier Soccer Complex

About the Soccer Valley Expansion


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Image by Abigail  Keenan


The Santa Fe Municipal Recreation Complex (MRC), locally known as Soccer Valley, has served citizens of Santa Fe since 1998. People of all ages have used the fields to practice and play soccer, as well as sports like lacrosse, flag football, and more. With all this use, and a growth in participation, over the years, the MRC has reached capacity, and the soccer fields are increasingly in need of an overhaul. Both the City of Santa Fe and stakeholder groups around the City have started taking steps, and pursuing the funding, to make improvements and expansions that will prepare the MRC to serve the Santa Fe soccer and sports community well into the future!


While an expansion and diversification of amenities and fields was previously identified in the 2015 MRC Soccer Complex Master Plan, the current project will build upon previous planning efforts, leverage insight and expertise from the user community, and consider lessons learned from the past 27 years of operating, maintaining, and enjoying the MRC Soccer Valley. The proposed improvements will address a critical area of need for the Soccer Valley Community by expanding capacity and providing upgrades that can better accommodate the high utilization of both existing and future facilities. Integral to the expansion will also be the addition of pathways and trails providing additional interconnectivity and pedestrian access throughout the entire complex, while also improving parking, accessibility, and access.


The future expansion and improvements to Soccer Valley will enhance the vibrancy and use of the entire complex for the entire Santa Fe community.  It will serve the needs of a diverse set of users — soccer players of all ages, other sports activities, parents wanting to stretch their legs during halftime, younger children riding their bikes, and team conditioning during the summer preseason training sessions.

Project Timeline

Phase 1

Notice to Proceed (Dec 2024)

Topo. Survey / Environmental Surveys

Site Plan Coordination

Grading and Drainage Plan

Utility Plan

Sustainability Coordination

Comprehensive Site Plan & 30% Design

First Public Meeting

Phase 2

Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning

Parking Evaluations

Select Priority Project(s)

Priority Project(s) 60% Design

60% City Review

Second Public Meeting

Phase 3

Priority Project(s) 90% Design

90% City Review

Third Public Meeting

Priority Project(s) Final Design

Final City Review



Priority Project(s) Construction

Project Features

Multiple aspects of the MRC Soccer Valley will be improved as a result of this project.

Image by Felipe Simo


Modern lighting will mitigate light pollution.

Image by Jeff W


Landscaping will utilize native plants.

Image by Alliance Football Club

Soccer Facilities

Soccer facilities will provide opportunities for a variety of uses.

Image by Maxim Hopman

Water Usage

Water systems will allow for conservation and re-use.

Image by Michael Moloney


Parking will incorporate transit.

Image by Tobias Flyckt


Project Partners

Improve Group.png
Anthropopulus Design and Planning.PNG
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